DriveVME is copyrighted software licensed through distribution to end users. Note: Government Users- DriveVME has a governrment restricted use legend. See the license agreement for details.
DriveVME is sold only through VME processor manufacturers and VME embedded system vendors, not directly to end users. The pricing reflected below does not include end-user product support, but does include reseller support. If you want to be an end-user of DriveVME, and your VME sales contact is not aware of it, please have them contact us, or contact us directly so we can provide your VME hardware sales DriveVME contact information.
Part #: DVMEDDK - List Price $1,100 per copy - Drive/VME Developers Kit. This kit is everything needed to do DriveVME development on one processor board. It includes the runtime functionality, though it is much larger and has many more capabilities. Kit includes source code to all programming examples, source code to DriveVME.DLL. Complied programs AssistVME, Drive/VME runtime for one CPU, demo versions of other N4 products. License is the typical "development end user" type license where the license attaches to one CPU in the end-user's organization. If there are two developers, two DDK's must be purchased, etc. One DDK must be purchased per customer before any DVMERUN's may be licensed. To order the DriveVME DDK, specify DVMEDDK-XXX where XXX is the vendor and model of the processor card to be supported.
Part #: DVMERUN - List Price $125 per copy - Drive/VME Runtime. Kit includes Drive/VME runtime for one CPU, minimal installation software. The runtime version is both smaller and faster than the development version. The license attaches to the CPU the product is first installed on, and moves with the ownership of the CPU. To order the DriveVME runtime, specify DVMERUN-XXX where XXX is the vendor and model of the processor card to be supported.